Toward an Edu-Arch Gamified Platform: The influence of Serious Gamification on the Architecture Education Enhancement

Authors: Hana Mirkhezri, Maryam Singeri, Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi

Published in: 2018 – The 10th National Conference on Education. 


Abstract—Recent research provides strong evidence that the current architectural education methods in Iranian universities suffer from lack of coverage of the contemporary approaches in the globalized architecture both artistically and technologically; the mentioned methods are mostly following the traditional didactic, teacher-focused teaching. The changing needs of learners, different learning and teaching experiences, increasing trend toward transcending to more student-centered methodologies and the assessment of learners’ competencies, etc., are among the issues that have called for reforms in the more futuristic blended learning models.

Nowadays, considering the advancement of new educational technologies, one of the most fundamental issues facing the current educational systems would be the contextual innovation which seems to change the learning methods both in content and method. The new processes and methods have formed a new play ground which makes it possible to take the next step and make a decision on the set of new tools, educational goals and quality of the courses in the discipline architecture. Relying on this, it seems that the method of teaching based on the gamification approaches is more effective than other educational methods.

The current study extends the authors’ prior work examining the possibility of the formulatation a scientist approach to integrate the architectural education with a gamified approach based on the associated literature and resulting in a comprehensive understanding of role games and serious games in the overall educational field. Finally, we have tried to shape a new avenue to characterize a general conceptual approach as a framework for creating a model for engaging in serious games in architecture education.


KeyWords: Education, Architecture, Game, Gamification, Serious Games.
