Toward A Game-based Learning Platform: A Comparative Conceptual Framework for Serious Games

Authors: Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi & Hana Mirkhezri

Published in: 2019 – International Serious Games Symposium (ISGS).


Abstract—The new education systems is currently living a paradigm shift in pedagogical approaches associated with the innovation in the fundamentals of teaching methods; we are facing an emerging necessity interconnected to learners’ attitudes, experiences and the general structure of digitalization and in our case, gamification. Taking gamification into consideration, it seems we still need to regenerate a sustainable codification of the new knowledge in the field of education; therefore, reconsideration of learning itself is essential which eventually reconstructs the educational programs and adapts new tools and technologies. Gamification and Serious Games draw a new perspective toward the processes and tools to achieve new objectives and methods in order to improve the quality of education. In this paper, we have developed a conceptual model of the mentioned adaptation which crystallizes the flow of the dominant gamification trends and its components in a comprehensive platform with a holistic approach in order to aggregate it into Serious Game definition; the concluded model would reflect an understanding of the role of mechanics and dynamics in the nature of the education. The result is a starting point for the integration of the developed conceptual framework to the establishment of a prospect model/platform of Serious Games in different educational branches.

KeyWords: Gamification, Serious Games, Education and Pedagogy, Dynamic Game Balancing, Conceptual framework.
