Authors: Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi & Hana Mirkhezri
Published in: 2020 – International Serious Games Symposium (ISGS)
DOI: 10.1109/ISGS51981.2020.9375297.
Abstract— In the contemporary circumstances where possessing a good and unique idea is not enough to start a successful business, it seems that how to perform and apprehend the idea itself is of great importance; The business model should support the designers/stakeholders to produce accurate information/knowledge about their users to be applied into their business model. The process of designing gamified systems/environment/services is no exception to the mentioned rule that paying attention to the needs of the users can improve the effectiveness of the gamified experience. Emphasizing the need of a user-oriented approach in the gamification process, the present article tries to selectively review the literature on the subject by conducting the interdisciplinary studies [business model and gamification], and in the next step, with the help of an analytical-descriptive approach in the process of the commercialization of gamification, we have introduced a model inspired by “Gamification 3.0”, “Lean Canvas” and focussing on the “Gamification Structure MDE”, entitled “Lean Gamification Canvas” to offer an effective way to accommodate user-related “deep knowledge” and eventually provide the “gamifiers” [gamification designers] with the sufficient knowledge to streamline their design process to increase gamified synergistic engagement and the successful commercialization of gamify-able ideas.
KeyWords: Gamification , Lean Gamification Canvas , Business Model Canvas , Lean Canvas , Level of Gamification , Innovation Design.