Gamification as a New Approach Toward the Enhancing the Habits of Citizenship

Authors: Hana Mirkhezri, Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi

Published in: 2021 – 3rd National Conference on Knowledge-based urban development and architecture


Abstract— In a general perception urban spaces are a network of psychosocial, technological, infrastructural, governance, social/participatory, identity/citizenship mechanism and dynamism and; in order to create an responding environment to the needs of the citizen, the focus to the elements of the environment and the its psychological effects on citizen behavior is the key success factor. Therefore, it would not be possible to intervene in the mentioned environment without a structured comprehensive process of perception and understanding related to the mentioned  mechanism and dynamism, which, in the end, is the same comprehension that often manifests itself in the form of behavior and habits of citizenship. In the current study, authors try to indicate the importance of citizen participation as a key element/habit in accordance with the urban environment and urban service oriented processes. It examines/defines the nature of a platform for citizens’ actions with the aim of empowering creative cooperation, flexibility, synergistic engagement, civic participation, and improving the decision-making processes in the governance. Meanwhile the authors encourage the use of the capacities of the concept of gamification in order to increase the participation and eventual synergy of/in citizenship; the results are expected to provide a more efficient context utilizing the capacity of urban/civic partnerships, flexibility and scalability, and also to effectively improve the associated governance processes as a tool for the development of more sustainable communities.

Keywords: Gamification, Playable City, Citizen Participation, Urban Development.
