Gamification, A Theoretical & Practical Introduction
Authors: Bahram Hooshyar Yousefi & Hana Mirkhezri
Published in: 2020 – Fekr-No-e. ISBN: 978-600-698562-6.
Abstract— Emphasizing the need of a user-oriented approach in the gamification process, the authors focus on the process of the commercialization of gamification introducing a model inspired by “Gamification 3.0”, “Lean Canvas” and the “Gamification Structure MDE”, entitled “Lean Gamification Canvas” to offer an effective way to accommodate user-related “deep knowledge” and eventually provide the “gamifiers” [gamification designers] with the sufficient knowledge to streamline their design process to increase gamified synergistic engagement and the successful commercialization of gamify-able ideas presenting related samples and theoretical background.